
photo / lights 1503 (3)

photo / lights 1502 (3)

photo / lights 1501 (19)

photo / lights 1414 (3)

photo / lights 1413 (2)

photo / lights 1412 (9)

photo / lights 1411 (9)

photo / lights 1410 (3)

photo / lights 1409 (9)

photo / lights

In 2006, "photo / lights" series has been started, when I move to Canada, decided to change from film to so called "digital" media, exploring how it is and becomes.

000 - 600 : in Canada

700 - : in Asia including Japan


Links to show photos in each entry of "photo / lights" series doesn't work currently. (As Picasa has been shut down)

Now, it is considered to move to Flickr.

Double Angle Brackets

Images created with film, taken from 1996 to 2006.

This series, which had been exposed in fotologue (currently shut down), is been merged into this weblog.